How to Overcome QC Failure When Uploading Products on TikTok Shop

How to Overcome QC Failure When Uploading Products on TikTok Shop

You may already know that TikTok has a special feature for business people called TikTok Shop where sellers can upload products. But sometimes some sellers experience not being able to upload products or failing QC on TikTok Shop.

Even though the steps for uploading products on TikTok Shop have been carried out well. But when you upload the product you get a QC (Quality Control) failure statement.

When this problem occurs, the yellow basket display does not appear, which means that no one, including you, can see the products on the TikTok Shop. Instead of being able to sell directly, no one can find the product.

Why does this happen? What’s the reason why you can’t upload products on TikTok Shop? And how to solve it? We will discuss everything in this article.


How to Overcome QC Failure When Uploading Products on TikTok Shop


In general, every seller has experienced failure to upload products on TikTok Shop. Either because it violates the provisions or because it is not careful when carrying out the upload process.

The following are common causes that sellers often experience when they fail to upload products:

The product does not comply with provisions

The reason it didn’t pass QC could be that when you uploaded the product, you didn’t follow the TikTok Shop regulations.

Therefore, you need to repeat the product upload on TikTok Shop, and then fulfill the following things.

  • Product stock must be more than 0.
  • Upload a maximum of 9 images per product.
  • The maximum product image file size is 5 Mb.
  • Maximum has 3 types of variations (for example: color, size, material, etc).
  • Product descriptions are text only and do not include links.


Didn’t Pass QC (Quality Control)

You may have experienced product information being moderated or blocked. This means that the product did not pass QC, aka you cannot sell the product on the TikTok Shop.

Apart from incomplete information, not passing QC also includes things that violate TikTok Shop guidelines, such as prohibited products, violating copyright, etc.

Therefore, pay attention to these things again before uploading the product. What are the prohibited products and other product conditions that sellers can sell on the TikTok Shop?

Incomplete Information

When you upload a product on the TikTok Shop by clicking add product, you will automatically be redirected to a filling form page related to the product you want to sell.

In this case, please fill in as complete information as possible regarding the product to be sold starting from the product name, product category, product description, photos, stock, variants, price, etc.

Incorrect Category Selection

When uploading products, sellers need to map categories correctly according to the type of product.

For example, when you want to sell clothing products, choose the fashion category, or when you want to sell cellphones, choose the electronics category, and so on.

Once you know the causes of QC failure above, please find out how to overcome them. Here are tips so you can immediately reap profits from TikTok Shop.

Tips for Uploading Products on TikTok Shop

Understand the TikTok Shop Prohibited Product Guidelines

Please note, that TikTok also has a guide for sellers to sell on the TikTok Shop. All sellers must be able to meet these guidelines.

To fulfill these guidelines, sellers must ensure that the products offered are legal, do not violate copyright, and fit the existing category.

Include Distribution Permit

If you sell food products, you need to include a distribution permit as proof that the product you are selling is suitable for consumption. But it’s not just food, beauty products and other products are also asked to show it.

This is still included in the TikTok Shop guidelines. Because in the guidelines, we want to ensure that the product is also registered with BPOM, PIRT, Dinkes, etc.

But if the upload has not been successful even though you have included a distribution permit, please submit an appeal for other evidence.

Avoid Selling Prohibited Products

This is the most crucial thing when you want to sell products on the TikTok Shop. The main reason is of course security. TikTok itself certainly doesn’t want to take risks that could endanger consumers.

Apart from mutual security, of course, so that business always runs smoothly.

That is information regarding the causes and how to overcome QC failure when uploading products on the TikTok Shop. Hopefully, it is useful and can help those of you who are experiencing it.

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